What we teach

Exploring God's Word

A 12 lesson course covering the entire Bible

Search For Truth

"Containing 12 intricate lessons, this home Bible study begins with an introduction to the Bible, describes the beginning of time and God's covenant with man, follows God's people through the wilderness and dividing and restoration of the nation; and then introduces the student to the New Testament with Christ's New Covenant, the gospel, the history of the church, and ends with the end time prophecy and the glorious future of the church." 


“Search for Truth 2 (Table Top Chart).” Pentecostal Publishing House. Accessed May 1, 2023. https://pentecostalpublishing.com/products/search-for-truth-2-table-top-chart.

Personal Bible Study/studies

One or more Bible Study catering to one or more of your specific needs; or, on another important topic not covered by one of our Bible Study courses.

About God

We'll teach you who God is, and about some of the many things He's revealed about Himself.


You've heard that you can be saved, but do you know how? Believe us, we'd love to teach you about it!

Here Am I

So, you've been born again of the water and of the Spirit, and you attend church regularly–now what? Well, we're not called to merely occupy "our" parking spot and warm "our" spot on the pew, we're empowered and commissioned to make disciples, baptizing them in Jesus' name! This course is designed to equip saints to fulfill this calling.